Sunday, April 19, 2009

Shiatsu and My First Japanese Acupuncture

The first thing I learned during my session yesterday, was that Japanese Acupuncture is far gentler and requires much finer needles than the Chinese counterpart. I thought this was great because the whole needle issue somehow evaded me when I made the appointment in the first place. This resulted in a bout of relentless giggling - as I do when people stick needles in me! But perhaps the funniest thing about it all, was that he had already stuck them in! So I relaxed very quickly to a state where I was in a sort of lucid sleep and the 1 and a half hour session seemed to go by in a flash... but the deep yet subtle probing of my soul has allowed questions and issues to surface that I've kept under wraps for so long... 

If you are living in Melbourne and looking for an acupuncture practitioner, I recommend Murray Goodchild from Inner Smile. He is fully qualified and is a recognised provider by all major health funds - 0405 455 744. I met him last Sunday at the Eltham Market strumming his ukulele! and I am going again next week - I can't wait!!!

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